Company Introduction

The era when environmental pollution is disturbing the ecosystem

In the last few years, microplastics and marine wastes have become major threats to our living environment and ecosystem. To address these issues, ECODREAM is taking the lead in the virtuous cycle of plastic waste for carbon neutrality by manufacturing and selling upcycling recyclable plastic bags “Ttodam” made from recycled plastic and “RYCLE” t-shirt made from “Regen” material which is reclaimed plastic bottles.

From now, by supplying eco-friendly products for the Earth and natural ecosystem,
We, ECODREAM, will become a virtuous plastic cycle eco-friendly company that researches and produces various eco-friendly products and takes care of mankind’s well-being as well as the Earth to improve our quality of life.

Representative Eco-friendly Products
  • Eco-friendly recyclable plastic bags “Ttodam” certified by the Ministry of Environment

  • “RYCLE” clothing made from plastic bottles

  • Zero waste products

  • Environmental education for zero-carbon and plastic recycling

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